
ACS Great Lakes Regional Meeting June 5-8 2013

We will be exhibiting at the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Great Lakes Regional Meeting (GLRM 2013) from June 5th through the 8th in Lacrosse, Wisconsin.  You can come visit us at Booth #12.

GLRM 2013 is the biennial meeting of the American Chemical Society’s Great Lakes Region and will consist of attendees from Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, and Michigan.  They expect to have 500 – 800 chemists, biochemists, educators, and students in attendance from companies, universities, schools, government labs, and clinical labs from across the Midwest.  The La Crosse Convention Center will be the primary venue for the technical program and exposition.  For more information about this meeting please visit GLRM 2013 website at

Hope to see you there!