
ProChem Adds New Products to Catalog

Materials for Energy, Electronics, and Chemical Synthesis Applications

The mission of ProChem, Inc. is to synthesize high purity inorganic compounds and custom precursors for advanced materials applications. We pride ourselves on our customer’s satisfaction as we provide innovative solutions to their unique needs.

Name Product# Purity CAS Number
Rare Earths
Cerium (III) Sulfate Octahydrate 1427 99.999% 10450-59-6
Europium Acetate Hydrate 1760 99.999% 62667-64-5
Europium Bromide Hydrate 1761 99.9% 56069-78-5
Europium Chloride Hexahydrate 1767 99.9% 13759-92-7
Europium Nitrate Hexahydrate 1784 99.9% 10031-53-5
Neodymium (III) Sulfate Hydrate 2661 99.9% 101509-27-2
Samarium (III) Sulfate Octahydrate 3105 99.9% 13465-58-2
Scandium (III) Acetate 3117 99.9% 304675-64-7
Terbium (III,IV) Oxide 3489 99.995% 12037-01-3
High Purity Compounds
Ammonium Carbonate 1052 99.999% 506-87-6
Boric Acid 1277 99.9% 10043-35-3
Iron (III) Sulfate Hydrate 2090 99.99+% 15244-10-7
Lead (II) Bromide 2208 99.9% 10031-22-8
Potassium Bromide 2885 99.99% 298-14-6
Strontium Chloride 3354 99.99% 10476-85-4
Titanium (IV) Methoxide 3704 99.99% 992-92-7