ProChem Updates Analytical Lab
Cutting-Edge Technology for Unrivaled Accuracy
Our laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation, including ICP-OES, GC, XRD, FTIR, NMR, and a Karl Fischer Automatic Titrator. This advanced technology, complemented by wet chemistry benchtop methods, allows us to deliver precise and accurate analyses, ensuring the highest quality results for our customers..
Quality Control and Custom Material Development
Not only do we perform quality control for our own manufacturing business, but we also work closely with customers on custom material developments. These proprietary projects remain confidential, underlining our commitment to client trust and satisfaction.
The Power of Experience and Efficiency
With a small but highly experienced staff, boasting over 100 years of collective expertise, we offer the unique advantage of swift analyses without sacrificing accuracy or quality. Our recent laboratory renovations reflect our dedication to staying at the forefront of the industry. At our analytical laboratory, precision, quality, and efficiency are not just promises – they’re our way of doing business.