Visit ProChem at the ACS Spring 2023 National Meeting & Exposition
ProChem Inc. will present its diverse product portfolio at the ACS Spring 2023 National Meeting & Exposition. To learn about our products and services, including custom manufacturing of inorganic and organometallic precursors for advanced materials applications, please visit us at Booth # 833 at the Indiana Convention Center on March 27-29, 2023 in Indianapolis, IN.
We congratulate our collaborator Professor Reshef Tenne of the Weizmann Institute of Science on receiving the 2023 ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials for his work on inorganic nanotubes and misfit heterostructures which will be presented to him at the Chemistry of Materials Award Symposium on March 27th in room #206. ProChem’s CTO, Prof. Dr. Viktor Balema, will be chairing the Symposium’s session on Tuesday, March 28th in room #238.